
Q: I work full time and it is often hard to set an appointment with the veterinarian. Do you have late hours or Saturday hours available?

Q: What forms of payment do you accept?

Q: Do you perform surgery at your clinic?

Q: We live in the mountains and are a considerable distance from town. Do you service this area?

Emergency Care

Q: What is the best way to get in touch with a doctor when I have an emergency?

Q: When do I have to pay an emergency fee?

Q: Why was I charged an emergency fee when I called during the daytime?

Q: If I have an emergency at night or on the weekend how long will it take for a response?


Q: What is floating teeth?

Q: Why do horses’ teeth need to be floated more than once?

Q: Does it hurt my horse to have their teeth floated?

Q: If dentistry does not hurt why does the horse need to be sedated?

Q: How often should I have routine dental care done?

Q: My horse started to fight the bit, is there a dental problem?

Q: What problems can occur if a horse’s teeth are not floated?

Q: What age should I begin having regular dental exams?

Q: Why should I choose a veterinarian who has had special training in dental care?

Q: Does every horse need a specially trained veterinarian?

Preventative Medicine

Q: How do I know what product to use and when to de-worm my horse?

Prescriptions and Medications
Q: Why do I need a prescription in writing to get medications for my horse?

Q: What other method is there to obtain drug refill and supplements other than driving to the Equine Medical Service Clinic?